On Sept 5th, there will be the 9th COSEAL workhop. Prof. Lindauer is one of the co-chairs of this workshop and one of its founders from 2013. The topics of the workshop include
- Algorithm selection
- Algorithm configuration
- Algorithm portfolios
- Performance predictions and empirical performance models
- Bayesian optimization
- Hyperparameter optimization
- Automated machine learning (AutoML)
- Neural architecture search
- Meta-learning
- Algorithm and parameter control
- Explorative landscape analysis
- Programming by optimization
- Hyper-heuristics
The workshop will consist of posters and talks about late-breaking research and useful tools, discussions regarding intra- and international cooperation, and many opportunities to interact with other attendees. There are no paper submissions, but the workshop provides the chance to discuss on-oing research and recent results with other researchers.
The workshop is for free: