Prof. Lindauer invites all interested persons (internal and external) to his inaugural lecture (Antrittsvorlesung) on Nov 21st, starting at 5pm. It is a joint a event with Prof. Ziawasch Abedjan.
The schedule will be:
17:00: Inaugural lecture by Prof. Abedjan: Ten years into Big Data: Four Vs to tame and one V to democratize
17:45: Inaugural lecture by Prof. Lindauer: "AutoML: Will Data Scientists be out of work!?
18:30: Food and Drinks for everyone
Place: Multimedia-Hörsaal 3703-023, Appelstr. 4, 30167 Hannover
External participants (i.e. neither students nor employees of LUH) are kindly requested to send a short, informal email to to register.
Best regards,
Marius Lindauer