Institute of Artificial Intelligence LUHAI Institute News
Invitation to Inaugural Lecture: Lindauer

Invitation to Inaugural Lecture: Lindauer

Presentations and Food and Drink on Mon, Nov 21st

Prof. Lindauer invites all interested persons (internal and external) to his inaugural lecture (Antrittsvorlesung) on Nov 21st, starting at 5pm. It is a joint a event with Prof. Ziawasch Abedjan.

The schedule will be:

17:00: Inaugural lecture by Prof. Abedjan: Ten years into Big Data: Four Vs to tame and one V to democratize

17:45: Inaugural lecture by Prof. Lindauer: "AutoML: Will Data Scientists be out of work!?

18:30: Food and Drinks for everyone

Place: Multimedia-Hörsaal 3703-023, Appelstr. 4, 30167 Hannover

External participants (i.e. neither students nor employees of LUH) are kindly requested to send a short, informal email to to register.

Best regards,
Marius Lindauer