Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Lindauer
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Marius Lindauer
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

In recent years, AI achieved impressive results in different fields, incl. in computer vision, natural language processing and reinforcement learning. These breakthroughs show how AI will influence and change our daily lives, business and even research in many aspects. With the advent of deep learning and also traditional AI methods, such as AI planning, SAT solving or evolutionary algorithms, a multitude of different techniques are available these days. However, applying these techniques is challenging, and even experienced AI developers are faced with several difficult design decisions, making the development of new AI applications a tedious, error-prone and time-consuming task. Therefore, we develop new approaches to increase efficiency in AI application development by reducing the required expert knowledge, improving development time and reducing chances of error. We do this with democratization of AI and social responsibility in mind.

Research Interests

Actually, I'm interested in many topics related to AutoML, machine learning, AI and interdisciplinary applications of these. Here are some selected topics:

  • Green-AutoML
  • Human-centered AutoML
  • Dynamic Algorithm Configuration
  • Generalization of Reinforcement Learning
  • Applications to production or health/medicine

Curriculum Vitae


Showing results 21 - 40 out of 109


Ruhkopf, T., Mohan, A., Deng, D., Tornede, A., Hutter, F., & Lindauer, M. (2023). MASIF: Meta-learned Algorithm Selection using Implicit Fidelity Information. Transactions on Machine Learning Research. Advance online publication.
Schubert, F., Benjamins, C., Döhler, S., Rosenhahn, B., & Lindauer, M. (2023). POLTER: Policy Trajectory Ensemble Regularization for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023(4).
Segel, S., Graf, H., Tornede, A., Bischl, B., & Lindauer, M. (2023). Symbolic Explanations for Hyperparameter Optimization. In AutoML Conference 2023 PMLR. Advance online publication.
Shoaib, M., Kotthoff, L., Lindauer, M., & Kant, S. (2023). AutoML: advanced tool for mining multivariate plant traits. Trends in Plant Science, 28(12), 1451-1452. Advance online publication.
Theodorakopoulos, D., Manß, C., Stahl, F., & Lindauer, M. (2023). Green-AutoML for Plastic Litter Detection. In Proceedings of the ICLR Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
Vermetten, D., Krejca, M. S., Lindauer, M., López-Ibáñez, M., & Malan, K. M. (2023). Synergizing Theory and Practice of Automated Algorithm Design for Optimization (Dagstuhl Seminar 23332). Dagstuhl Reports, 13(8).
Zoeller, M., Mauthe, F., Zeiler, P., Lindauer, M., & Huber, M. (2023). Automated Machine Learning for Remaining Useful Life Predictions. In Proceedings of the international conference on Systems Science and Engineering, Human-Machine Systems, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC) IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Advance online publication.


Adriaensen, S., Biedenkapp, A., Shala, G., Awad, N., Eimer, T., Lindauer, M., & Hutter, F. (2022). Automated Dynamic Algorithm Configuration. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 75, 1633-1699.,
Benjamins, C., Raponi, E., Jankovic, A., Blom, K. V. D., Santoni, M. L., Lindauer, M., & Doerr, C. (2022). PI is back! Switching Acquisition Functions in Bayesian Optimization. Advance online publication.
Benjamins, C., Jankovic, A., Raponi, E., Blom, K. V. D., Lindauer, M., & Doerr, C. (2022). Towards Automated Design of Bayesian Optimization via Exploratory Landscape Analysis. Paper presented at Workshop on Meta-Learning (MetaLearn 2022).
Bothmann, L., Strickroth, S., Casalicchio, G., Rügamer, D., Lindauer, M., Scheipl, F., & Bischl, B. (2022). Developing Open Source Educational Resources for Machine Learning and Data Science. In Teaching Machine Learning Workshop at ECML 2022 Advance online publication.
Deng, D., Karl, F., Hutter, F., Bischl, B., & Lindauer, M. (2022). Efficient Automated Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML)
Deng, D., & Lindauer, M. (2022). Searching in the Forest for Local Bayesian Optimization. In ECML/PKDD workshop on Meta-learning Advance online publication.
Feurer, M., Eggensperger, K., Falkner, S., Lindauer, M. T., & Hutter, F. (2022). Auto-Sklearn 2.0: Hands-free AutoML via Meta-Learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23.
Hasebrook, N., Morsbach, F., Kannengießer, N., Zöller, M., Franke, J., Lindauer, M., Hutter, F., & Sunyaev, A. (2022). Practitioner Motives to Select Hyperparameter Optimization Methods. Advance online publication.
Hvarfner, C., Stoll, D., Souza, A. L. F., Lindauer, M., Hutter, F., & Nardi, L. (2022). π BO: Augmenting Acquisition Functions with User Beliefs for Bayesian Optimization. In Proceedings of the International conference on Learning Representation (ICLR)
Lindauer, M., Eggensperger, K., Feurer, M., Biedenkapp, A., Deng, D., Benjamins, C., Sass, R., & Hutter, F. (2022). SMAC3: A Versatile Bayesian Optimization Package for Hyperparameter Optimization. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2022(23).
Mallik, N., Hvarfner, C., Stoll, D., Janowski, M., Bergman, E., Lindauer, M. T., Nardi, L., & Hutter, F. (2022). PriorBand: HyperBand + Human Expert Knowledge. In 2022 NeurIPS Workshop on Meta Learning (MetaLearn)
Mohan, A., Ruhkopf, T., & Lindauer, M. (2022). Towards Meta-learned Algorithm Selection using Implicit Fidelity Information. In ICML Workshop on Adaptive Experimental Design and Active Learning in the Real World (ReALML) Advance online publication.
Moosbauer, J., Casalicchio, G., Lindauer, M., & Bischl, B. (2022). Enhancing Explainability of Hyperparameter Optimization via Bayesian Algorithm Execution. Advance online publication.