Showing results 1 - 42 out of 125
Benjamins, C., Cenikj, G., Nikolikj, A., Mohan, A., Eftimov, T., & Lindauer, M. (2024). Instance Selection for Dynamic Algorithm Configuration with Reinforcement Learning: Improving Generalization. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO). Advance online publication.
Bergman, E., Feurer, M., Bahram, A., Rezaei, A., Purucker, L., Segel, S., Lindauer, M., & Eggensperger, K. (2024). AMLTK: A Modular AutoML Toolkit in Python. The Journal of Open Source Software, 9(100), Article 6367.
Deng, D., & Lindauer, M. (2024). Optimizing Time Series Forecasting Architectures: A Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search Approach. (ArXiv). Advance online publication.
Eimer, T., Hutter, F., Lindauer, M., & Biedenkapp, A. (2024). Verfahren zum Trainieren eines Algorithmus des maschinellen Lernens durch ein bestärkendes Lernverfahren. (Patent No. DE102022210480A1). Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA).
Giovanelli, J., Tornede, A., Tornede, T., & Lindauer, M. (2024). Interactive Hyperparameter Optimization in Multi-Objective Problems via Preference Learning. In M. Wooldridge, J. Dy, & S. Natarajan (Eds.), Proceedings of the 38th conference on AAAI (pp. 12172-12180). (Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence; Vol. 38, No. 11).,
Hennig, L., Tornede, T., & Lindauer, M. (2024). Towards Leveraging AutoML for Sustainable Deep Learning: A Multi-Objective HPO Approach on Deep Shift Neural Networks. In 5th Workshop on practical ML for limited/low resource settings Advance online publication.
Lindauer, M., Karl, F., Klier, A., Moosbauer, J., Tornede, A., Müller, A., Hutter, F., Feurer, M., & Bischl, B. (2024). Position Paper: A Call to Action for a Human-Centered AutoML Paradigm. In Proceedings of the international conference on machine learning Advance online publication.
Mohan, A., Zhang, A., & Lindauer, M. (2024). Structure in Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Survey and Open Problems. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. Advance online publication.
Neutatz, F., Lindauer, M., & Abedjan, Z. (2024). AutoML in Heavily Constrained Applications. VLDB Journal, 33, 957–979.,
Theodorakopoulos, D., Stahl, F., & Lindauer, M. (Accepted/in press). Hyperparameter Importance Analysis for Multi-Objective AutoML. In Proceedings of the european conference on AI (ECAI)
Tornede, A., Deng, D., Eimer, T., Giovanelli, J., Mohan, A., Ruhkopf, T., Segel, S., Theodorakopoulos, D., Tornede, T., Wachsmuth, H., & Lindauer, M. (2024). AutoML in the Age of Large Language Models: Current Challenges, Future Opportunities and Risks. Transactions on Machine Learning Research. Advance online publication.
Zöller, M., Lindauer, M., & Huber, M. (Accepted/in press). auto-sktime: Automated Time Series Forecasting. In Proceedings of the 18TH Learning and Intelligent Optimization Conference (LION)
Benjamins, C., Eimer, T., Schubert, F. G., Mohan, A., Döhler, S., Biedenkapp, A., Rosenhahn, B., Hutter, F., & Lindauer, M. (2023). Contextualize Me – The Case for Context in Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023(6). Advance online publication.
Benjamins, C., Eimer, T., Schubert, F. G., Mohan, A., Döhler, S., Biedenkapp, A., Rosenhahn, B., Hutter, F., & Lindauer, M. (2023). Extended Abstract: Contextualize Me -- The Case for Context in Reinforcement Learning. In The 16th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2023) Advance online publication.
Benjamins, C., Raponi, E., Jankovic, A., Doerr, C., & Lindauer, M. (Accepted/in press). Self-Adjusting Weighted Expected Improvement for Bayesian Optimization. In AutoML Conference 2023 PMLR.
Benjamins, C., Raponi, E., Jankovic, A., Doerr, C., & Lindauer, M. (Accepted/in press). Towards Self-Adjusting Weighted Expected Improvement for Bayesian Optimization. In GECCO '23: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (SIGEVO).
Bischl, B., Binder, M., Lang, M., Pielok, T., Richter, J., Coors, S., Thomas, J., Ullmann, T., Becker, M., Boulesteix, A.-L., Deng, D., & Lindauer, M. (2023). Hyperparameter Optimization: Foundations, Algorithms, Best Practices and Open Challenges. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 13(2), Article e1484.
Denkena, B., Dittrich, M.-A., Noske, H., Lange, D., Benjamins, C., & Lindauer, M. (2023). Application of machine learning for fleet-based condition monitoring of ball screw drives in machine tools. The international journal of advanced
manufacturing technology, 127(3-4), 1143-1164.
Eimer, T., Lindauer, M., & Raileanu, R. (2023). Extended Abstract: Hyperparameters in Reinforcement Learning and How To Tune Them. In The 16th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2023) Advance online publication.
Eimer, T., Lindauer, M., & Raileanu, R. (2023). Hyperparameters in Reinforcement Learning and How to Tune Them. In ICML'23: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 9104–9149). Article 366,
Loni, M., Mohan, A., Asadi, M., & Lindauer, M. (Accepted/in press). Learning Activation Functions for Sparse Neural Networks. In Second International Conference on Automated Machine Learning PMLR.
Mallik, N., Bergman, E., Hvarfner, C., Stoll, D., Janowski, M., Lindauer, M., Nardi, L., & Hutter, F. (2023). PriorBand: Practical Hyperparameter Optimization in the Age of Deep Learning. In Proceedings of the international Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Advance online publication.
Mohan, A., Zhang, A., & Lindauer, M. (Accepted/in press). A Patterns Framework for Incorporating Structure in Deep Reinforcement Learning. In The 16th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2023)
Mohan, A., Benjamins, C., Wienecke, K., Dockhorn, A., & Lindauer, M. (2023). AutoRL Hyperparameter Landscapes. In Second International Conference on Automated Machine Learning PMLR. Advance online publication.
Mohan, A., Benjamins, C., Wienecke, K., Dockhorn, A., & Lindauer, M. (Accepted/in press). Extended Abstract: AutoRL Hyperparameter Landscapes. In The 16th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2023)
Ruhkopf, T., Mohan, A., Deng, D., Tornede, A., Hutter, F., & Lindauer, M. (2023). MASIF: Meta-learned Algorithm Selection using Implicit Fidelity Information. Transactions on Machine Learning Research. Advance online publication.
Schubert, F., Benjamins, C., Döhler, S., Rosenhahn, B., & Lindauer, M. (2023). POLTER: Policy Trajectory Ensemble Regularization for Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning. Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2023(4).
Segel, S., Graf, H., Tornede, A., Bischl, B., & Lindauer, M. (2023). Symbolic Explanations for Hyperparameter Optimization. In AutoML Conference 2023 PMLR. Advance online publication.
Shoaib, M., Kotthoff, L., Lindauer, M., & Kant, S. (2023). AutoML: advanced tool for mining multivariate plant traits. Trends in Plant Science, 28(12), 1451-1452.
Theodorakopoulos, D., Manß, C., Stahl, F., & Lindauer, M. (2023). Green-AutoML for Plastic Litter Detection. In Proceedings of the ICLR Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
Vermetten, D., Krejca, M. S., Lindauer, M., López-Ibáñez, M., & Malan, K. M. (2023). Synergizing Theory and Practice of Automated Algorithm Design for Optimization (Dagstuhl Seminar 23332). Dagstuhl Reports, 13(8).
Zoeller, M., Mauthe, F., Zeiler, P., Lindauer, M., & Huber, M. (2023). Automated Machine Learning for Remaining Useful Life Predictions. In Proceedings of the international conference on Systems Science and Engineering, Human-Machine Systems, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC) IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Advance online publication.
Adriaensen, S., Biedenkapp, A., Shala, G., Awad, N., Eimer, T., Lindauer, M., & Hutter, F. (2022). Automated Dynamic Algorithm Configuration. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 75, 1633-1699.,
Adriaenssen, S., Biedenkapp, A., Hutter, F., Shala, G., Lindauer, M., & Awad, N. (2022). METHOD AND DEVICE FOR LEARNING A STRATEGY AND FOR IMPLEMENTING THE STRATEGY. (Patent No. US2022027743).
Adriaenssen, S., Biedenkapp, A., Hutter, F., Shala, G., Lindauer, M., & Awad, N. (2022). Verfahren und Vorrichtung zum Lernen einer Strategie und Betreiben der Strategie. (Patent No. DE102020209281).
Benjamins, C., Raponi, E., Jankovic, A., Blom, K. V. D., Santoni, M. L., Lindauer, M., & Doerr, C. (2022). PI is back! Switching Acquisition Functions in Bayesian Optimization. Advance online publication.
Benjamins, C., Jankovic, A., Raponi, E., Blom, K. V. D., Lindauer, M., & Doerr, C. (2022). Towards Automated Design of Bayesian Optimization via Exploratory Landscape Analysis. Paper presented at Workshop on Meta-Learning (MetaLearn 2022).
Bothmann, L., Strickroth, S., Casalicchio, G., Rügamer, D., Lindauer, M., Scheipl, F., & Bischl, B. (2022). Developing Open Source Educational Resources for Machine Learning and Data Science. In Teaching Machine Learning Workshop at ECML 2022 Advance online publication.
Deng, D., Karl, F., Hutter, F., Bischl, B., & Lindauer, M. (2022). Efficient Automated Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML)
Deng, D., & Lindauer, M. (2022). Searching in the Forest for Local Bayesian Optimization. In ECML/PKDD workshop on Meta-learning Advance online publication.
Feurer, M., Eggensperger, K., Falkner, S., Lindauer, M. T., & Hutter, F. (2022). Auto-Sklearn 2.0: Hands-free AutoML via Meta-Learning. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23.
Hasebrook, N., Morsbach, F., Kannengießer, N., Zöller, M., Franke, J., Lindauer, M., Hutter, F., & Sunyaev, A. (2022). Practitioner Motives to Select Hyperparameter Optimization Methods. Advance online publication.